Monday, March 25, 2013

March Madness...

It truely has been a crazy month for me.  Very busy at work, my small department seemed to be struck down by the plauge and I was the only one healthy thru all of it.  So lots of work, lots of evenings coming home exhausted. Not cooking as much as I should, and not having enough time to devot to Mistress as I would like.

Although as the intensity of if all does diminish and wane, the relationship goes no where.  I still have pictures of her all around me, and would not want to see them go away.  I still get an arousing thrill when ever I put on my collar, and her scent drives me crazy.  The desire to submit before her and to her is always there, even if the day to day chores of life seem to push it beneath the surface.  There beneath the surface it lies...

Hopefully I'll get back to a point where I can actively worship my Mistress and find more time together, but until then I remain hers - her slave, her pet, her sweet caring puppy.

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