Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Missing Mistress...

It almost sounds a bit silly.  How do you miss someone you don't see?  But really I realized today how much I miss Mistress, and just the thought of it makes me ache for her. 

Between learning how to live with Diabetes, and searching for a New Job I just haven't had much time to my self lately.  So not much time to listen to Haylee's wonderful recordings, or catch her on yahoo IM for a few words, or even have a mind blowing session with her...

I'm excited about her new recording, but even as I type this I'm exhausted from a long day at work.  Still I need to squeeze in a little Haylee time, I ache for her control, her voice, and all the pleasure that follows from pleasing her.


  1. I am always with you. Deep inside of you~ Just close your eyes for a few moments and focus on me, whenever you find yourself missing me~


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