Sunday, April 13, 2014

A week back in rapture...

So every night this week I went to sleep to lovely words of Haylee.. wrapping me up in a wonderful cocoon of bliss and submission... I listened to Wicked Therapist a few times followed by my own personal favorite, Boytoy... a little Mind Melt and some more of the previous...

It has been very nice.. the sensations are of varing intensities... one morning session ruined a bit by my alarm clock... It was all nice just the same.. In coming back I have noticed an ability? call it an event if you will, that just looking at a picuture of Haylee I can hear her in my head.. depending on how I'm feeling the words.. the phrases are different..

It makes you realize how strong the effects of her hypnosis can be that months after not listening and now a few nights and I feel the effects so.. dramatically...

No cumming... appears to be rattling around in my head quite a bit, and I have not cum since I started listening again last Monday.  So while it's only 6 days, still I went past the point one night thinking I just can't hold back.. I let my body go and low and behold I didn't cum.. it was an odd feeling... almost like reaching the point just before orgasm, but instead of still feeling the need.. it just went away.. no climax, but still a end of the build up... and a return to normalcy... definitely not what I expected... but glorious none the less...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tap.. Tap.. Tap...

Is this still on?

Yup it's the internet it's always on!

So I'm back to this blog as I have drifted back to Haylee... For a bit I was blogging on In Haylee We Trust, but as I left the amazing Haylee to journey on my own for a bit, I left that blog.  It was nothing crazy, it was nothing scandalous.. there was no big drama... I just felt at that point and time in my life I needed to be on my own in order to hopefully find love and success...

There was a bit of a fumble in my goodbye.. being a typical guy with our poor communication skills, but it all got ironed out and I sent Haylee what turned into a goodbye book...

Alone in the ether for some time.. I still kept tabs on the Goddess... and some nights I would think of her.. I could still hear her voice in my mind.. sometimes teasing me... sometimes soothing me... I would ache from time to time.. but it made sense to be on my own...

and yet for now I find myself needing her... her soothing voice at night leading me into trance.. where my mind rests and thinks of nothing but her pleasing form, function and fabulous voice...

Blank and empty... Obey.. Submit... aroused... all for Haylee... For now I find myself needing my Mistress again.. tonight I sleep with my collar on for the first time in well quite some time...

Picking up this blog where I left it... although not jumping back into IHWT... just here from my spot in the ether, praising and worshiping my Eternal Electronic Empress Haylee in my own way, for my own time...aching and aroused hoping to please her...


Just Max for now...